Back to the Future …Please put these events in your diary now!
It’ll be all hands-on deck for the RSL Tanunda ANZAC Day Breakfast on Thursday 25th April; please register with Mark Graetz if you haven’t already done so.
- The Rotary Club of Gawler 70th Anniversary celebrations will be held on Saturday 27th April, and you’ll need to book and pay for that separately, per instructions on the invitation.
- The Sir Condor Laucke Oration hosted by the Lions Club of Barossa Valley will be on Thursday 16th May; Cardiologist Associate Professor Carmine De Pasquale BMBS (Hons), PhD, FRACCP, FCSANZ, FAACC, FESS (phew!) will be the Orator.
And of course, we have plenty more in store during May and June, so keep up with coming events via the Bulletin - you don’t want to miss out!
President Sandie's Spiel
Good to hear that Maundy Thursday Breakfast went well – Bill and I were very disappointed we couldn’t be there; big thanks to everyone who provided the food and other Easter goodies, and to those who braved the cold and dark.
A group of us, eight in all, represented this club last Thursday evening at the Barossa Kiwanis meeting. We were given the opportunity to share information about our projects and were made to feel very welcome. Their meeting is similar in format to ours, lots of fellowship and frivolity included!
Work is progressing on the merger with the Rotary Club of Barossa District. AG Bill and I met with Brian Barnett and Ray Duance on Tuesday afternoon to draft the forms for preview by DG Craig and our RISPPO Support Andrew Best. We’re still working towards a mid-June completion of the process.
Rotary Overseas Recycled Playgrounds (RORP) support
On Thursday 4th April and Wednesday 10th we provided assistance to members of the Rotary Clubs of Mount Barker and Gawler Light, to disassemble the playground at Lyndoch Recreation Park, donated by The Barossa Council, and remove the components to the RARE (formerly DIK) facility.
A very big thank you to Phil Martin, Peter Sich and Bill Simons, for giving up your time for several hours of hard work! Also to Steve Ahrens for the generator, and to Mark Burton, member of the Rotary Club of Barossa District, for the loan of the trailer from Barossa Valley Hire.
The Barossa Council workers onsite for clearing grape vines etc also assisted.
The playground components will eventually be shipped to a community or school overseas; Peter Baur, the team leader from RC of Mount Barker will keep us informed as to the final destination.
We attended the DG Talkback on Sunday 14th April, with discussions on the purpose, format and cost of District Conferences.
All agreed that District Conferences are a great way of getting together with Rotarians from other clubs, finding out about project opportunities, and being inspired and motivated by quality guest speakers. Attendees had suggestions for encouraging attendance and assistance with costs, eg subsidising new members' registrations, home hosting and time payments. Next year is to be a “Multi District Impact Summit”, potentially with different content from the usual District Conference. Beyond that, consideration might be given to a hybrid version eg online and live components.
Expectations of Regionalisation were shared, also concerns about the pilot being “reactionary” rather than having clear objectives. However, many attendees indicated their clubs already are looking for opportunities to support and learn from other clubs in their Community Groups, which they might not otherwise have done.
You will receive a “Save the Date” email soon regarding our club changeover, to be held on Saturday 29th June 2024; venue and timing are a work in progress.
It was very interesting to hear Josh Burrows’ NYSF experience, and to find out more about our club member Mike Connors career journey in a rather special field.
Prue with Joshua Burrows NYSF awardee. Joshua was the final speaker
of the four awardees to address the club on their experiences and knowledge gained from attending the National Youth Science Forum.
"NYSF was a great learning opportunity and allowed me to create connections with people all across Australia and even across the world.
Within some of the many lectures which I had the privilege of attending, I had the chance to zoom call three of the main engineers of the Hardron collider from CERN in Switzerland. The most important lecture I got to attend was one on regeneration of craniofacial bone by Doctor Chun Xu. Through this experience I was able to make a connection with Doctor Chun Xu which allowed me to have a great primary source when creating my AIF. The program had student staff leaders of previous attendance and included many more lectures such as those on dating the ages of fish, beach corrosion and criminology."
Maundy Thursday 28th March 2024
and the sun begins to rise.
Breakfast meeting - Rev. Steven de Kleer
Sue Graetz welcomed those present. We were down in numbers from previous years but nevertheless the food and the hot cross buns with thanks to the cooks was great. It was a bit chilly and still a little dark at 6.40am.
We enjoyed the company of Anglican minister Steve and his Easter Message. It followed a reading from John Ch 20 Verse 1-9 read by Sue. He then began, "Good Morning. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to wake up early and come here.
So, thanks for the invitation. Today as we approach Easter let us reflect on the essence of this joyful time. Easter embodies
renewal, hope and the triumph of light over darkness -just as Spring brings forth new life.
Easter reminds us of the possibility of transformation and growth in our lives. In the spirit of community Easter invites us to come together to celebrate and to support one another - it is the time to reach out
to those in need, to extend a hand of friendship and compassion in serving others. We not only uplift them but also find fulfilment and purpose for ourselves.
As members of this Rotary Club, you understand the power of service.
Your commitment to service above self resonates deeply with the
message of Easter.
I pray that all of you will continue to work together.
to serve the community with dedication and love and in your actions spread joy and hope wherever you go.
May this season be a time of profound joy shared among friends and family and the broader community. May it be a time of renewal.
Let us embody the spirit of Easter in all that we do, shining brightly as
beacons of love, kindness and service and may you as Rotarians be
blessed in your actions, thoughts and deeds by bringing hope
to this community."
Rev Steve is on the right.
The Great Bowls Competiton
Monday March 25th
All over until another time with the Lawn Stars
taking out the Championship. They also hold the Gold(ish) Cup and were the eaters of the Cherry Ripes. It was a marvelous fellowship evening with five teams battling for the prestigious prize.
They underwent a rigorous training session of up to thirty minutes for some, to prepare them for the challenges ahead. The Angaston Bowling Club looked after us exceptionally well, with the use of their new facilities, their equipment and coaches for the newbies. Following the fun we all enjoyed a sumptuous supper.
A big thank you to Judy, Mark, Bruce, Jorn and Barb.