Bulletin 3327
Monday 3rd June 2024
Vine Inn 
Gordon R. McInally
RI President 2023/24
Theme for the month of June 2024
Rotary Fellowships
Quote of the Month 
     Blessed is the Rotarian who sits at a different table every week
for he shall make many friends. When a tree stops growing - it is ready to die
...A Rotary club is like that: it is moving ahead only when it is growing.
When the growing ends, the knife and fork club begins. Fellowship is the cornerstone of Rotary...the means by which Rotary service has become a vital force for improving the lives of people in our own communities and around the world. We can make many friends through Rotary. Rotary began out of fellowship. Service came afterward - as a natural outgrowth. Fellowship is the glue that holds Rotary together.     
President Sandie's Spiel
It was great to welcome back Sue Graetz after recovery from surgery.
I have since heard that the medical fraternity have been “enlightened” as to what is needed for “country folk” to recover successfully from surgery!
Changes to Club By Laws
After opening the meeting, I referred to the email sent to club members on 25th May 2024, regarding a recommendation from the Board for proposed changes to the Club By Laws.
Articles affected are Article 5 Meetings, and Article 10 Method of Electing Members.
Voting was to be by show of hands; a quorum needed to be present for the vote (ie one third of thirty Active Members = ten), and the Number of Active Members present was twenty, so we met the quorum; two-thirds of the votes (ie seven) had to be in support of the changes.
Clarification was sought from Club Member David West regarding the term “admission fees” in relation to proposed changes to Section 6.
I explained that this is the term used in By Laws Article 6: Fees and Dues to mean Membership fee, ie “Section 1: The admission fee, as established by Rl and/or the club, shall be paid before the applicant can qualify as a member.”
This term was accepted, and subsequently Club Member Mike Connors proposed that the changes to By Laws of Rotary Club of Barossa Valley, be made as recommended by the Board, and the proposal was seconded by Club Member Prue Maitland.
Twenty Club Members voted in favour of the proposal, which therefore was carried unanimously.
Thanks everyone for supporting the changes to the By Laws, which will provide clarity and direction for future Board members.
Driver Reviver Saturday 8th June
Thanks to Karen Bosomworth, David West and Bev Stephenson for offering to support the Driver Reviver Station organised by the Angaston and District Lions.
Monday 10th June: The Merger date of the NEW Rotary Club of Barossa Valley!
We have the opportunity to recognise this important date, and particularly to recognise the history and contributions of both Rotary Club of Barossa District and Rotary Club of Barossa Valley.
A great opportunity to reminisce about the past and talk about the future!
Twenty-four members, friends and partners have indicated they will attend the meeting – THANK YOU to all.
Rotarian Don Farley tributes
You would have read the tribute to our dear club member Don Farley in The Leader edition of 29th May. The Farley family and Rev Dean Brookes were very gracious in providing the information for the tribute.
I received a thank you card from Claire, Jonathon, Roger and Kym, for our “kind thoughts and the lovely flowers”, also a phone message from Jonathon Farley on behalf of the family thanking everyone for attending Don’s funeral and the tribute in The Leader, which they loved reading. Both Claire’s card and Jonathon’s message mentioned that “Rotary was a big part of Dad’s life”.
Reaching out …
Can I ask please that you give thought to reaching out to any of our club Friends, past members, or partners of Rotarians who have passed on, with offering a lift to club meetings and social events, e.g. some possibly are not confident or able to drive at night or might just be reluctant to come along on their own.
Guest Speaker Julia Cropley
with supporting comments from our President
Sandie regarding her presentation. 
Barossa Anglican Domestic Violence program
If you were not at the meeting, you missed a very informative – and very moving - presentation by Julia Cropley.
Julia talked about the Barossa Anglican Domestic Violence program, and the work she is doing to counsel and provide practical support to victims/survivors of domestic and family violence, adults and children.
Some of the key takeaways for me were:
  • Two women every week are killed due to domestic violence
  • Men also are victims of domestic violence but in a different form, e.g. social, emotional, sexual and control, whereas women are more likely to be victims of physical violence, and in fear of their lives
  • People seeking help are women, children and men
  • Practical support mechanisms include prepaid phones with special app; window and door alarms; personal alarms; enlisting support from family, friends and neighbours
  • Issues which arise during counselling include suicide idealation; addictions; financial hardship; poor management strategies due to mental and emotional stress
  • There are NO safe houses in the Barossa Valley area
  • There is limited funding for support programs.
In support of Julia’s presentation along with our District’s and our Club’s Domestic Violence programs, we displayed one of our recently purchased 2400x1200 banners and two signs which were carried by our club participants at the District 9510 November 2023 walk in Adelaide.
Information about the District 9510 Walk for Respect to be held on Saturday 14th September, will be sent to members soon. I encourage you to participate in the walk, and to draw your family and friends into helping us to spread awareness about domestic and family violence in our communities.
Keith, Julia Cropley (guest speaker) President Sandie.
What’s Up Next …
Monday 17th June 2024: will be a Club Assembly, when Team leaders will give us a rundown on the past year … and maybe a few hints as to what’s in store for 2024-2025.
We’ll also have the Board’s recommendations for disbursement of excess funds for your review.
A Board meeting will commence at 8pm after the club meeting.
The Big Do!
Saturday 29th June: Slip into your best suits or frocks or whatever makes you happy – obviously not jarmies or gardening clothes! – and get along to the Novotel at Rowland Flat for our Club Changeover.
If you haven’t already RSVPd and paid per the instructions on the invitation, please do so asap, so we can provide timely indications to the venue.
NO MEETING on Monday 1st July!
We will not have a club meeting on Monday 1st July as it is so close to the Changeover on Saturday 29th June.
Therefore the next club meeting will be on Monday 15th July.
Little Athletics fundraiser Sunday 7th July
Thanks to Mike Connors, Bev Stephenson, Keith Millington and Robert Brookes for volunteering your time to cook the barbecue at the Little Athletics fundraiser at Bethany Reserve on Sunday 7th July. Especially as Robert has said that he “isn’t much of a cook so will need some instructions” – don’t worry Robert - Bev, Keith and Mike will be happy to give you lots of advice!
This is a great opportunity for Rotary to show that we are there for our community!
Rotary District 9510 Domestic Violence Walk for Respect 14th September:
I was approached to join this group, which will continue after the Regionalisation Pilot Project commences on 1st July this year.
The most immediate requirement is to encourage all clubs within the District to participate in some way in the Walk for Respect on Saturday 14th September.
Last year only four people from our club participated in the Walk, which was very disappointing, and I’m hoping that more of you will get your walking shoes on and take part this year. We have a 2400 x 1200 banner to represent our club in this walk, so please help Bill and me to carry it.
Let’s show that we, as a club and as individuals, say No to Domestic Violence and Yes to Respectful Relationships.
There’ll be a list at every meeting between now and the walk, for you to add your name.
Thanks to our painters.
Container at airfield now a Rotary Blue!
Mark and Phil did a great job on all the prep work, before the painting crew came in on Tuesday morning to paint the Rotary container at the airfield.
Capably led by Mark, the crew of Bryce, David, Peter, Phil and Mary, transformed the container to now proudly display its new Rotary Blue coat!
Bryce, Phil, (blue shirt just right for painting.) and Peter. 
David touching up to finish the job.
I am sure that some of our Rotarians would remember the late Tony Reade PDG 1993-94 D9500, and a then 
 member of Adelaide Light Club. Tony had a unique sense of humour. He produced the following and circulated it to all clubs just for fun.
7 Ways to stuff up
a perfectly good ROTARY CLUB
1. Never read your duty roster, (that means you don't have to do anything), and never ask anyone to stand in for you, it might start a trend!  
2. Make absolutely sure that you only attend 60% of   meetings. Under NO circumstances make up at another club, it just isn't good form, after all no one sees you do it.
3. Make certain that you help keep your club static and comfortable by never introducing prospective new members.
4.Never apologise in advance for missing a meeting,
who do I ring anyway?
5. Never let your partner read the club bulletin, it might save you being pressured to attend
a club social function.
6. Always come just on time and always leave early,
that way you don't have to talk to any more than the bare minimum of members, it saves getting involved.
7.Put your name down for anything the club organises
then forget to turn up. 
  Attendance Report 
Monday June 3rd 2024                                             
Members   20                                                        
Friends        1                       
Guests         2                                                                             Total                                                                                            
Apologies LOA.  11                             
Birthdays for June
Anne Schilling      June 8th
Rick Kessner           "   11th
Date joined Rotary. 
Geoff Schrapel         35 years   June 1st 1989
Prue Maitland          26 years      "    1st 1998
Bronwyn Lillecrapp 23 years      "    7th 2001
Ray Fiebiger             9 years      "   27th 2015             
 Another one sent in by Marie.  
Never a truer word was spoken.  
Rotary Club of Barossa Valley
Current Committee Structure on 3/7/2023


President: .....................................................  Sandie Simons
Immediate Past President: ............................ Peter Perkins (D)
President Elect: ............................................. Steve Ahrens
Treasurer: ...................................................... Mark Graetz
Secretary: ...................................................... Bev Stephenson
Vocational: ....................................................  David West
Community: ...................................................  Keith Millington
Membership .................................................... Sue Graetz
International: ................................................. Peter Thomas
New Generations: ........................................... Prue Maitland
2025 Barossa Airshow: ................................... Keith Millington
Rotary Club of Barossa Valley Foundation: ....  Grant Schuyler
Vocational Committee
Team Leader: David West
4 + 3
Karin Bosomworth
Mark Graetz (also Treasurer)
Grant Schuyler
Phil Graetz
Ian Falkenberg
Rohan Semmler
Community Committee
Team Leader: Keith Millington
8 + 3
James Dunn
Hans Haan
John Little
Geoffrey Schrapel
Peter Sich
Geoff Zerk
Philip Martin 
David Braunack
Elly Monfries
John Monfries
Membership Committee
Team Leader: Sue Graetz
4 + 0
Steve Ahrens
International Committee
Team Leader: Peter Thomas
9 + 2
Keith Adams
Ray Fiebiger
Rick Kessner
Max Rasmus
Patrick Ritchie-Haydn
Anne Schilling
Bryce Lillecrapp
Bronwyn Lillecrapp
Bruce Dutschke
Russell Johnson
New Generations Committee
Team Leader: Prue Maitland
4 + 2
Beverley Stephenson
John Semmler
Don Farley (on LOA)
Police Checks Recorder and Child Protection: Prue Maitland
Sandy Carruthers
Rotary Club of Barossa Valley Foundation
Chair: Grant Schuyler
Secretary: John Semmler
Treasurer: Rick Kessner
Mark Graetz
Don Farley
Prue Maitland
Club President 
Club Vocational Chair 
2025 Barossa Airshow
Chair: Keith Millington
Club Support Roles
Public Officer: Keith Adams
Bulletin Editor: Robert Brookes
Assistant Secretary: Marie Rothe
Sergeants: Patrick Haydn, John Semmler, Rick Kessner, John Little,  David West, Ray Fiebiger
Website, Social Media: Keith Millington
Public Image / Marketing: Sandie Simons, Steve Ahrens, Anne Schilling
PHF Recommendations: Peter Sich, John Little, Peter Frazer, Keith Adams, President (Sandie Simons)
Friends of the Rotary Club of Barossa Valley: Sue Graetz
Police Checks and Child Protection Officer: Prue Maitland
Clothing Bin Roster: Peter Thomas
Club Program Co-ordinator: Keith Adams
Club History: Grant Schuyler
Great Revival Shop Rep: Bev Stephenson
Ring Pulls: Bryce Lillecrapp, Bill Simons, Mark Graetz
Awards Committee: PDGs Robert Brookes, Peter Thomas
Sheds and Trailers: Mark Graetz, Peter Sich
Local Government Liaison: AG Bill Simons


Duty Roster
Meeting 3328
Vine Inn
Meeting 3329
Changeover Novotel
Robert Brookes
Loyal Toast
Keith Adams
Sandie Simons
         4 Way Test         Prue Maitland  
Team leaders 
See next Bulletin
Members all
Robert Brookes
Robert Brookes
Setting up
Phil Graetz and Peter Sich
Phil Graetz and Peter Sich
Mark Graetz
Sue Graetz
Mark Graetz
Sue Graetz
Clothing Bins

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