                    Bulletin 3342 
               20th January 2025 
                                   Vine -Inn
                Oh lord and giver of all good,
                                 Stephanie A. Urchick
                                 RI President 2024/25
       Monthly Theme for January 2025 
Vocational Service   
Rotary tries to instill into the minds of its members that true happiness in the business of life comes through service to others, and not through a continuous study of how to skin the other fellow.
A One-Way Test, The ROTARIAN, March 1967.
Richard L. Evans was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. He became Rotary International President in 1966-67.  
Here is his simple "one-way test." Is it good for people? If it is good for people, it is good. If it isn't good for people, it isn't good. In vocational service, we must measure all our interests and activities by this test -
the products we make, the services we perform, the things we promote, the merchandise we sell, the attitudes we encourage.
                 President Steve's Snippets
Meeting 3342 was an incredible night filled with energy and inspiration! Sergeant Mike was inundated with one-minute requests, setting the tone for an engaging evening. We then had the pleasure of hearing Janine Harding from the Barossa Council share insights about our Sister City, Grapevine, Texas. Adding to the excitement, Janine spoke about eight local students preparing for a study tour in September and shared their fundraising journey so far. Their enthusiasm is truly infectious! Past President Brian Barnett has already stepped up, organizing additional sausage sizzle days at Mitre 10 to support their efforts.
On Friday evening, January 24th, I attended a Group 7 meeting where Ian Chase, our group leader, guided us through a review of our Facebook project. Although the initiative hasn’t delivered the results we hoped for, Mark Clemow from the Mount Barker Club provided an excellent overview of the Rotary Overseas Relocated Playgrounds project (RORP).
Adopted by Mount Barker in October 2020, RORP quickly outgrew the capacity of a single club due to its success. Mark shared plans to circulate a discussion paper outlining the project's potential structure as a Group 7 initiative. RORP offers tremendous opportunities for Rotary:
Environmental Impact: Prevents playgrounds from ending up in landfills.
Global Contribution: Supplies much-needed playground facilities to developing countries via other Rotary clubs.
Local Visibility: Enhances the profile of Rotary clubs involved in playground removals.
Sustainability: The project is self-funded and requires minimal input from individual clubs.
Once the discussion paper is distributed, I’ll ensure it’s shared with all members so we can make an informed decision about supporting this fantastic initiative.
Meanwhile, the Rotary Club of Barossa Valley is well-positioned to leverage even more opportunities to raise its profile within the community. Past President Sandie’s Domestic Violence project is progressing, supporting the Anglican Church's program and showcasing Rotary's positive impact in the Barossa. Additionally, our signature event, the Barossa Airshow, continues to be an excellent platform to promote Rotary.
Let’s keep the energy and enthusiasm high! By working together, we can ensure the Barossa Rotary Club remains the community’s first choice for service groups.
And remember—share our story with your friends!
Guest Speaker - Janine Harding
In 2023, The Barossa Council entered into a Sister City relationship with Grapevine, Texas in the US. It has been an exciting time for me as the Sister City Program Manager, watching the friendship between the two cities blossom into one that is showing direct benefits to the Barossa community.
I had the absolute privilege of presenting to The Rotary Club of Barossa Valley at their last meeting. The Clubs hospitality and kindness was shown to me and a keen interest in the Study Tour we are assisting for Nuriootpa High School.
I was excited to share that eight students for the school studying agriculture (in Year 11 & 12) have been selected to participate in the Study Tour which see them travel to Grapevine, Texas during their famous ‘Grapefest’ event in September 2025.
The students selected are so excited and have shown so much maturity, wanting not only the experience of travelling abroad and seeing how things are done in Grapevine, but to use this wonderful opportunity to connect with their own community, to learn from others with more experience and to help out in volunteering ventures for our local service clubs – Rotary being one of them!
They are looking for your club to support them in volunteering opportunities, to teach them things like how to cook a BBQ, fundraising experience and generally getting to know people in a different generation from theirs.
These kids are the real deal and are genuine as they reach out to your club for support.
They need a total of $40,000 to get them and their teachers over to Grapevine. This will pay for their flights and a few incidentals. Grapevine has generously offered to host them in home accommodations, events, food and transport of the ground.
We would love for Rotary to assist them with volunteering opportunities and fundraising and hope that your club are able to assist financially in whatever capacity is available to see them have this opportunity that will change their lives.
The eight students working towards their trip to Grapevine Texas. 
From back row Left to right:  
Maya – George M – Miya – Riley – Nick
then: Arrabella – Maddison – George P
President Steve, Janine and Secretary Sandie.  
Janine above can be sure that Rotary members will help 
towards raising the necessary monies required to 
enable these students to visit Grapevine Texas. 
Brian Barnett has made bookings for sausage sizzles at Mitre 10 Nuriootpa, to support the fund-raising efforts of the eight Nuriootpa High School students going to Grapevine Texas in September.
9.00am Sunday 9th March
9.00am Sunday 20th April
8.30am Saturday 31st May and
8.30am Saturday 26th July
Closer to each date, Brian will call out for volunteers at each one, which will be attended by two students.
University of Adelaide
Scholarship Results.
2024 | Recipient
Sophie Braunack
"I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the entire Barossa Rotary Club for your generous support in funding my studies through this scholarship. I applied for this scholarship because of the long distances I travel to attend university, which limits the number of shifts I can work each week.
This scholarship has been invaluable in enabling me to work fewer hours and better support myself. I am deeply thankful for this opportunity and for the positive impact your support has had on my ability to focus on my studies.
Thank you once again for your generosity and for making this opportunity possible."
Sophie successfully completed the first year of the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) with a Bachelor of Science programs, achieving 2 High Distinctions, 4 Distinctions and 2 Credits, thereby receiving a Grade Point Average of 6.00 out of a possible 7.00.
2023 | Recipient
Kobi Schulz
“This scholarship has enabled me to focus on my civil engineering studies by easing the financial burden that travelling quite a distance most days to the city creates.
At the beginning of this year I purchased an iPad which has made it much easier to complete assessments and watch lectures whilst on the train. This has allowed me to create the time to start my internship at the Light Regional Council in the engineering department.
I have now completed half of my degree (2 of 4 years). I would like to thank everyone involved in the Barossa Rotary Club for their generous efforts and appreciate them greatly.”
Kobi successfully completed the second year of the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil) program, achieving 4 Distinctions and 4 Credits, thereby receiving a Grade Point Average of 5.75 out of a possible 7.00.
We are sincerely grateful for the support your scholarship has provided for our students. Without donor support, many outstanding students would find the continuation of their studies much more difficult.
Thank you for helping students achieve their educational ambitions and we look forward to working with you again in 2025. (Adel Uni)
Julie Coombe passed away in the
Angaston Hospital on Sunday the 19th January 2025 
This remarkable lady was known to many.
Julie worked at The Motor Lodge in Tanunda for many years when our Club met there. Her impeccable service and wonderful jovial personality endeared her to us all.
 Even though for a number of years she herself suffered with cancer, there was work to be done.
Her helpers for Barossa Area Fundraisers for Cancer (BAFFC) were there for her day after day.
PDG Peter Thomas and PDG Robert Brookes met with her committee prior to our first Airshow and submitted to the club the possibility of providing $10,000 towards another car which would be used daily to take cancer sufferers to and from hospital. Following the first Airshow the Rotary Club supported this recommendation.
There was always a smile and there were always people who needed her help. In August of 2021 her medical advisers stated that she had 12-18 months left, but because she was the person who had more to do, she refused to accept it. Towards the end she was still making changes to the Palliative care room in the Angaston Hospital to help those who come after her. 
Members of the Rotary Club stood for a minute's silence at the meeting on 20th January 2025 in memory of this lady with a smile.
Julie Coombe, your work on earth is done. Rest in peace.         
        Attendance Report MEETING 3342 
                  20th January 2025  
Members     26
Friends          1
Partners        1  
Guest Speaker 1             
Total                 29
LofA..  8
Birthdays for January
Sandie Simons        9th Jan
Michael Nietschke  10th Jan
John Little             22ndJan  
Craig Rogasch       30th Jan
James Maitland      14th  "
Helen Graetz          23rd  " 
Mary Martin            24th  "           
Date Joined Rotary
James Mitchell  23rd Jan 1985    40 years
Tony Robinson  23rd Jan 2021      4 years
                             Just a thought
“Everything you've ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.” 
“Don't worry about failure; you only have to be right once.”
 We all love youngsters. These two could make good Rotarians one day.
                                         Duty Roster
Meeting 3343
Vine Inn
Meeting 3344
Vine Inn
 Karin Bosomworth
Robert Brookes
Loyal Toast
 Brian Eckermann
   Mark Burton
 Sandie Simons
John Semmler
4/Way Test  
Patrick R-Haydn
Anne Schilling
Bryce Lillecrapp 
Sue Graetz
Darrin Gladigau
Exchange Student
Tony Atyeo
Journey of a Vet
Robert Brookes
Robert Brookes
Setting up
Phil Graetz and Peter Sich
Phil Graetz and
Peter Sich
Mark Graetz
Sue Graetz
Mark Graetz
Sue Graetz
 Clothing Bins                
P. Graetz
M. Connors 
J. Semmler
G. Schuyler 
D. West
                                       Board 2024-5
President: Steve Ahrens
Immediate Past President: Sandie Simons
President-Elect: James Dunn
Treasurer: Mark Graetz
Secretary: Sandie Simons
Vocational Committee
Team Leader: David West
4 + 3
Mark Graetz (also Treasurer)
Grant Schuyler
Brian Eckermann (VET Awards)
Phil Graetz
Ian Falkenberg
Rohan Semmler
Community/Fellowship Committee
Team Leader: Karin Bosomworth
9 + 3
James Dunn (President Elect)
John Little
Geoffrey Schrapel
Peter Sich
Geoff Zerk
Philip Martin
Bill Simons
Ray Duance (Driver Reviver/KESAB, EMIBs)
David Braunack
Elly Monfries
John Monfries
Membership Committee
Team Leader: Sue Graetz
Steve Ahrens (President)
Sandie Simons (IPP, Secretary)
Mike Connors
International Committee
Team Leader: Peter Thomas (Grants support)
9 + 1
Keith Adams
Ray Fiebiger
Rick Kessner
Patrick Ritchie-Hayden
Anne Schilling (Grants support)
Bryce Lillecrapp
Bronwyn Lillecrapp
Bruce Dutschke
New Generations Committee
Team Leader: Prue Maitland
4 + 1
Beverley Stephenson
John Semmler
Julie Weckert
Police Checks Recorder and Child Protection: Prue Maitland
Sandy Lineham
Special Projects
Team Leader: Brian Barnett
Mark Burton
Jim Mitchell
Michael Nietschke
Frank Ware
Wendy Randell
Rotary Club of Barossa Valley Foundation
Chair: Grant Schuyler
Secretary: John Semmler
Treasurer: Rick Kessner
Mark Graetz
Prue Maitland
Club President (Steve Ahrens)
Sandie Simons
Club Vocational Chair (David West)
2025 Barossa Airshow
Chair: Keith Millington
Airside: Steve Ahrens
Landside/Promotion: Keith Millington
Treasurer: Mark Graetz
Secretary/Admin: Sandie Simons
Workforce: Sue Graetz
Sponsorship: David West, Brian Barnett
Grounds: Bill Simons, Mark Graetz, Bryce Lillecrapp
Catering: Anne Schilling
Displays & Stalls: Mike Connors, Karin Bosomworth
                                     Club Support Roles
Public Officer: Keith Adams
Club Program Co-0rdinator: Keith Adams
Bulletin Editor: Robert Brookes
Assistant Secretary: Vacant
Meeting Welcomers and Cashiers: Sue and Mark Graetz
       3343    Monday, 3 February 2025        Sandie Simons
      3344    Monday, 17 February 2025      John Semmler
          3345    Monday, 3 March 2025      Keith Millington        
 3346    Monday, 17 March 2025     Rick Kessner
   3347   Monday, 7 April 2025        Sue Graetz     
3348   Monday, 21 April 2025         Peter Sich
  3349    Monday, 5 May 2025        David West
     3350    Monday, 19 May 2025      Mike Connors
Website, Social Media: Keith Millington
Public Image / Marketing: Sandie Simons, Steve Ahrens
Grants (District Foundation and Other): Peter Thomas, Anne Schilling
PHF Recommendations: Peter Sich, John Little, Keith Adams, President (Steve Ahrens) 
Friends of the Rotary Club of Barossa Valley: Sue Graetz 
Police Checks and Child Protection Officer: Prue Maitland 
Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA): Sue Graetz, Chair; Mark Graetz, Treasurer; John Semmler, Secretary; Brian Eckermann; Peter Thomas; Bill Simons; Sandie Simons
Clothing Bin Roster: Peter Thomas
Club History: Grant Schuyler
Great Revival Shop Rep: Bev Stephenson
Ring Pulls: Bryce Lillecrapp, Bill Simons, Peter Thomas
Shed and Trailers: Mark Graetz, Peter Sich, John Semmler, Mike Connors
Local Government Liaison: Bill Simons
Advertisement for ClubRunner Mobile