Bulletin 3337
4th November 2024
Vine Inn
Stephanie A. Urchick
RI President 2024/25
Theme for the month of November 2024
The Rotary Foundation
Polio Plus is just one on the many vital Foundation programs.
The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to support the efforts of Rotary International and to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational and cultural exchange programs. The Foundation has the ability to review, organise and implement international programs. Blessed are those who give and blessed are those who receive. Every dollar committed means that somewhere, someone will enjoy better health and live a better life.   
          President Steve's Snippets                 
Keeping the Momentum
The energy from our October 21st meeting carried right into our November 4th meeting, thanks to the fantastic VET program. The engagement of students, parents, grandparents, friends, and Rotarians truly showcased the impact of Rotary and the positive contributions we make to our community. The beaming smiles on the students' faces as they received their certificates spoke volumes about the value of this project.
We're fortunate to have such incredible young people in our community. The VET program provides a wonderful platform to recognize their achievements and encourage them to pursue their chosen vocations.
A big shoutout to Rotarian Brian Eckermann for initiating this project and for his entertaining hosting of the evening. Thanks also to Brian's team for their diligent judging.
The VET program complements our annual scholarship program, making it a project that we need to continue to support and promote.
At our last Board meeting, we discussed ways to enhance our meetings. Two ideas emerged: a gold coin "fine" for sharing a good story, and randomly assigned seating to foster new connections. Let's give these a try and see how they contribute to a more engaging and informative meeting experience.
Last night all of our Rotarians and guests were led by Rotarian
  Brian Eckermann, who had the pleasant duty of recognising a number of young achievers from four schools nominated for the Barossa Valley Rotary Club VET Student of the Year.  
Rotarian Brian Eckermann is seen here along with students who received VET awards at last night's meeting. Students in this photo are Cooper Jericho, Tom Teague, Brianna Hall, Peter Shubin, Jacob Henderson and Mitchell Taylor. Each of these students received $100 with their certificates for VERY HIGH ACHIEVEMENT.  
  Zachary Seaton was named the ROTARY VET STUDENT of the year and received $300 with his certificate. The three ladies in this photo, Hunter Mason, Sophie Rajkotwala and Olivia Heinrich each received $200 for their OUTSTANDING ACHIEVMENT along with a framed certificate. Following the merger of the two Barossa Valley clubs, this event will become a regular program along with the other scholarships, that the Club Foundation distributes annually. 
                                 WE WILL REMEMBER.
                       RAA Roadshow in Angaston Town Hall.
                                 Thursday 31st October 2024.
The RAA Regional Roadshow celebrating the Fifty-year Gold membership of members was well attended, with close to 200 people. It was held in the Angaston Town Hall and the hand-outs to members was more than anyone would have expected. These included a small Esky Bag, a useful booklet on Safe Driving for Life, as well as a 'glovebox guide to standard drinks' and much more. There was also plenty of nourishing food to eat during afternoon tea. At an event of this kind everyone in attendance knows someone. To mention a few, these included Rotary members. Peter and Mignon Sich. David and Valerie West, Robert and Peggy Brookes, Brian and Elizabeth Eckermann, Rick and Sharon Kessner, Jim and Karen Mitchell. All of the speakers were interesting and entertaining. Tony Ey was the MC as well as one of the speakers and had the audience in fits of laughter from time to time.  
          Giving Tuesday the 3rd of December 2024
This global day of generosity is an opportunity for all members to make a big impact with a gift of any size. A donation to Annual Fund-SHARE supports projects you’re passionate about, both in your community and around the world. A gift to PolioPlus helps transport vaccines and immunize children to keep them safe.
                           SUPPORT THE ROTARY FOUNDATION OF
                                     ROTARY INTERNATIONAL.
 Above all remember that The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is one of the largest charities in the world, involved in an endless number of projects with its regular financial support from clubs and members. 
  ATTENDANCE REPORT - MEETING 3337                   4th November 2024          
Members   30   
Friends        2
Partners      1      
Guests       38 
Total          71
Apologies/LOA  7   
Birthdays for November
Bev Stephenson            Nov 5th
Ray Fiebiger                    "  10th
Geoffrey Schrapel            "  16th
Keith Millington               "   22th         
Brian Eckermann             "  24th
Prue Maitland                  "  27th
Brian Graetz                    "  28th     
Peggy Brookes                 "  1st
Rose Zerk                        "  1st  
Date Joined Rotary
Brian Graetz       Nov 1st 1980    44yrs               
Keith Millington    "   11th 1998   26yrs   
Ashton Hurn        "     1st  2022    2yrs 
                               JUST A THOUGHT
Board 2024-5
President: Steve Ahrens
Immediate Past President: Sandie Simons
President-Elect: James Dunn
Treasurer: Mark Graetz
Secretary: Sandie Simons
Vocational Committee
Team Leader: David West
4 + 3
Mark Graetz (also Treasurer)
Grant Schuyler
Brian Eckermann (VET Awards)
Phil Graetz
Ian Falkenberg
Rohan Semmler
Community/Fellowship Committee
Team Leader: Karin Bosomworth
9 + 3
James Dunn (President Elect)
John Little
Geoffrey Schrapel
Peter Sich
Geoff Zerk
Philip Martin
Bill Simons
Ray Duance (Driver Reviver/KESAB, EMIBs)
David Braunack
Elly Monfries
John Monfries
Membership Committee
Team Leader: Sue Graetz
Steve Ahrens (President)
Sandie Simons (IPP, Secretary)
Mike Connors
International Committee
Team Leader: Peter Thomas (Grants support)
9 + 1
Keith Adams
Ray Fiebiger
Rick Kessner
Max Rasmus
Patrick Ritchie-Hayden
Anne Schilling (Grants support)
Bryce Lillecrapp
Bronwyn Lillecrapp
Bruce Dutschke
New Generations Committee
Team Leader: Prue Maitland
4 + 1
Beverley Stephenson
John Semmler
Julie Weckert
Police Checks Recorder and Child Protection: Prue Maitland
Sandy Lineham
Special Projects
Team Leader: Brian Barnett
Mark Burton
Jim Mitchell
Michael Nietschke
Frank Ware
Wendy Randell (membership application in progress)
Rotary Club of Barossa Valley Foundation
Chair: Grant Schuyler
Secretary: John Semmler
Treasurer: Rick Kessner
Mark Graetz
Prue Maitland
Club President (Steve Ahrens)
Sandie Simons
Club Vocational Chair (David West)
2025 Barossa Airshow
Chair: Keith Millington
Airside: Steve Ahrens
Landside/Promotion: Keith Millington
Treasurer: Mark Graetz
Secretary/Admin: Sandie Simons
Workforce: Sue Graetz
Sponsorship: David West, Brian Barnett
Grounds: Bill Simons, Mark Graetz, Bryce Lillecrapp
Catering: Anne Schilling
Displays & Stalls: Mike Connors, Karin Bosomworth
Club Support Roles
Public Officer: Keith Adams
Club Program Co-0rdinator: Keith Adams
Bulletin Editor: Robert Brookes
Assistant Secretary: Vacant
Meeting Welcomers and Cashiers: Sue and Mark Graetz
       3335    Monday, 7 October 2024        Sandie Simons
      3336    Monday, 21 October 2024      John Semmler
             3337    Monday, 4 November 2024    Keith Millington         3338    Monday, 18 November 2024   Rick Kessner
     3339   Monday, 2 December 2024    Sue Graetz     
3340   Monday, 16 December 2024      Peter Sich
  3341    Monday, 6 January 2025        David West
     3342    Monday, 20 January 2025      Mike Connors
Website, Social Media: Keith Millington
Public Image / Marketing: Sandie Simons, Steve Ahrens
Grants (District Foundation and Other): Peter Thomas, Anne Schilling
PHF Recommendations: Peter Sich, John Little, Keith Adams, President (Steve Ahrens) 
Friends of the Rotary Club of Barossa Valley: Sue Graetz 
Police Checks and Child Protection Officer: Prue Maitland 
Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA): Sue Graetz, Chair; Mark Graetz, Treasurer; John Semmler, Secretary; Brian Eckermann; Peter Thomas; Bill Simons; Sandie Simons
Clothing Bin Roster: Peter Thomas
Club History: Grant Schuyler
Great Revival Shop Rep: Bev Stephenson
Ring Pulls: Bryce Lillecrapp, Bill Simons, Peter Thomas
Shed and Trailers: Mark Graetz, Peter Sich, John Semmler, Mike Connors
Local Government Liaison: Bill Simons
Members not on a Committee:
Joy Thorn (on LOA due ill health)
Duty Roster
Meeting 3338
Vine Inn
Meeting 3339
Vine Inn
Bryce Lillecrapp
Brian Barnett
Loyal Toast
John Little
Karin Bosomworth
     Rick Kessner
    Sue Graetz
          4/Way test  
    Frank Ware
    Robert Brookes
Keith Millington 
Sandie Simons
Benn Shepherd
Rotary Foundation
Wendy Gaborit
Robert Brookes
Robert Brookes
Setting up
Phil Graetz and Peter Sich
Phil Graetz and
Peter Sich
Mark Graetz
Sue Graetz
Mark Graetz
Sue Graetz
         Clothing Bins 7/11/24- 21/11/24  21/11/24 - 5/12/24
            Angaston   P.Martin D.Adams
            Nuriootpa R.Duance K.Millington
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