The Bowls Competition for the Gold(ish) Cup
The Angaston Bowling Club hosted our Fellowship, Fun and Frivolity evening playing Bowls
The picture shows our Club Champions, Goldish Cup holders and Cherry Ripe eaters The Lawn Stars, John Monfries, Karen Bosomworth, Mary Martin and Phil Martin after the presentation ceremony.
The teams assembled at the Angaston Bowls Club at 6:30 pm in time for a practice session until 7:00pm when they were called to order in preparation for the competition to begin. There was a tense atmosphere as the Grand Prize of a Gold(ish) Cup and 4 Cherry Ripe bars were at stake.
The initial organising took a while as it looked like I needed a Border Collie to round up the Bowlers and get them in position. We started with only 5 teams as there were some absentees. A quick re-shuffle and the teams were ready.
The competition started and right from the start bowls were going everywhere with cries of “Where’s that one going?” and “Is it supposed to do that?” The most common call was “Who’s Next?”.
It soon settled down to a serious bowling competition. As there were only 5 teams, one team had a rest period so they had the choice to have a practice on their own, or they could go to the bar. These were Barossa Valley people so the choice was obvious. The bowling teams played on for about half and hour and then the teams swapped so that the winning team stayed on their rink and the losing team moved. This meant that it was a winning team that would get a rest period so that they would be automatically handicapped because they were attending the bar.
After about an hour and a half, the teams were getting hungry and they could see the delicious supper the Angaston Bowling Club had provided so we called it a night and went in for supper.
Tallying the result, I found it was a close competition with the top three teams being within 5 points.
Third place on 35 were the Turf Titans.
Second place on 36 points were the Rolling Stones.
The Bowls Champions, Gold(ish) Cup winner and eaters of the Cherry Ripes were the Lawn Stars
The Barossa Valley Rotary Club members gave a round of applause to the members of the Angaston Bowling Club, Judy, Mark, Bruce, Jorn and Barb, for their assistance in making our Bowling Experience such an enjoyable evening.
The objective of the night was for a fellowship evening of fun and frivolity which we achieved in spades, and we also made a few dollars for the club.